
This search engine is the fastest and simplest way to check availability and find the most advantageous prices.

Just choose from the calendar arrival date, number of nights and number of guests (including children) and click on “Search”. The screen will display all rooms of the required capacity, in any of our hotels, available for the chosen period. Choosing the additional search option “Sort by rate” the system will display the rooms ordered by price (from the lowest to the highest), otherwise by hotel.

If for any reason a hotel should not be bookable for that period (for example, because of a restriction of possible arrival days), the system will show you the nearest possible solutions.

The prices displayed are in Euro, per person, for the whole stay (but without calculating the children’s discount).

Clicking on “See flights” you can check the available flights for the hotel and period in question and get your quotation for flight & transfer.

If you are interested in booking one of the holidays just click on “I like it” to enter the booking mask. Inserting names and date of birth of the room occupants the system will give you the total price of the accomodation. (There are no additional costs of any kind.) If you decide to go ahead, you can now complete your booking with a few mouse clicks.

“Find Best Prices” is the simplest way to find the best solution for your holiday. If you have any further suggestions to improve this service, don’t hesitate to contact us writing an email to