Relying exclusively on low cost air carriers from several European countries and on special agreements within Italy Aurum Hotels is able to offer flights and transfers at exceptionally good prices. Our packages “flight & transfer” can easily be booked via Internet.
As flights can be booked only together with the hotel, first a hotel reservation has to be made, but, nevertheless, it is possible to check availability and flight prices in the section “flight and transfer” on our website beforehand. Our packages include flight, Tax, and transfer to and from the hotel. The booking procedure is basically the same as for the hotel booking.
The flight price has to be paid in full at the moment of the booking, as non-refundable flight tickets will have to be issued. Once we receive your flight booking form, we will send you a flight confirmation containing a flight reference number to be presented at the check-in desk on the day of departure to get your boarding pass. Upon arrival at the destination airport you’ll find our transfer representative with an Aurum sign who will take you to the hotel.
Booking with us is really a children’s game: 3 mouse clicks and everything is booked: flight and transfers! Please note that in case of our hotels on Favignana or Ischia the ferry ticket is not included. Tickets can be bought at the port and no reservation is necessary. The reason for this procedure is simple: Aurum Hotels wants to leave the choice of the ferry company to its customers: otherwise, that is, in case of a ready booked ferry ticket, any delay due to the aircraft or traffic on the way to the port might create an unnecessary loss of time, as customers would have to wait for the next ferry of the specific ferry company they’re booked on.
In any case, upon arrival on the island you’ll find our transfer representative ready to take you to the hotel. It’s as simple as that: all-round service at all-low prices!
© Copyright AURUM MARKETING s.r.l. via Francesco Caracciolo, 14 80122 Napoli - P. IVA 05497041219 - REA 757623
TEL. +39.081.5980570 - FAX +39.081.5980531 - E-mail
The Booking Office and the Aurum Hotels portal are managed by the company Aurum Marketing s.r.l., while the hotel are managed by the single companies listed in the hotel general conditions. Payments and all the eventual claims after the reservations could be address directly to the hotel where you made the booking. The company details are included in the section releated to the single hotel.